route outline
- tracking is possible with and without a paired mobile device
data recording
- sampled data is saved to a micro SD card and if connected transfered to a paired mobile device
data transfer
- the position is received in realtime during the tracking session via the bluetooth interface
9-axis sensor
- Accelero-, Gyro- und Magnetometer
- I²C Interface for communication with the µController
- during the initialisation the accelerometer and gyroskop Biases are calibrated
- 64 Hz interrogation frequency
AHRS-algorithm from Sebastian Madgwick
- orientation is relativ to the earth
- X-axis points north
- Y-axis points west
- Z-axis lies along the gravitation axis
sensor fusion
- combining data from different sensors
- into new and precise measured data and results
- Madgwick: main orientation achieved via the gyroskop, accelerometer and magnetometer compensate its drawbacks
- individual speedups towards north, east and vertical
- the visited path is calculated with a double integral
- saved velocity is zeroed out with every new step
- orientation correction happens only in stationary mode